The 3rd i4Df Governance Board Meeting took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, on the 2nd and 3rd of May 2019, hosted by CERTH/HIT in its premises, with the participation of some 20 representatives of i4Df consortium partners (Governance Board).
Read more: 3rd Governance Board meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece
The first expert workshop of the EU-funded project "infra4Dfuture" took place on 25 and 26 February 2019 at the German Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. Around 60 experts from 16 countries from the extended European research area developed “Innovation Focus Areas” for the modernisation of the European transport infrastructure.
The 1st Stakeholder Conference of i4Df initiative was successfully organised at the Stanhope Hotel in Brussels on 11th December 2018. This was the first in a series of four Stakeholder Conferences that will culminate in the launch of the coordination mechanism at the TRA 2020 Conference in Helsinki on 26-30 April 2020. The 1st Stakeholder Conference was preceded by an i4Df Welcoming Reception for a wide stakeholder group on the evening of 10th December.
The setting of the 1st Stakeholder Conference itself was “demand side” focused. The Conference brought together High Level representatives from the infrastructure manager partners of the project consortium, and their peers from the wider European setting of national road and rail infrastructure managers, as well as their peers from the European Commission (DG MOVE, DG R&I, INEA) in their capacity as European programme owners.
The kick-off meeting of Infra4Dfuture project has successfully taken place in Brussels, on 7&8 November 2018. The aim and plans for the project realization have been discussed in detail, with the presence of the DG Move representative Mr. Rafal Stanecki, the INEA Project Officer Mr. Sergio Escriba and representatives of all infra4Dfuture Consortium partners.
Both EC officials highlighted the importance of the project in view of the need for modernization and competence development in EU Infratructure to accommodate for the emerging decarbonization and digitalization in transport, along with the necessity for broad communication and implementation of the outcomes, to bring added value to EU citizens.