The first expert workshop of the EU-funded project "infra4Dfuture" took place on 25 and 26 February 2019 at the German Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. Around 60 experts from 16 countries from the extended European research area developed “Innovation Focus Areas” for the modernisation of the European transport infrastructure.
The goal of the EU-funded infra4Dfuture project is to develop a common strategy and vision that transcends national borders and encompasses all modes of land transport. The project will identify tools that facilitate cooperation and reduce duplication in the field of infrastructure research, and thus shorten the path to the implementation of transport infrastructure innovations.
For two days, the BASt event offered infra4Dfuture consortium partners, representatives of the European Commission and the European platforms CEDR, EIM, Shift2Rail, Waterborne, ENCORD, FEHRL, ECTRI and FERSI the opportunity to identify and detail promising intermodal “Innovation Focus Areas” for the modernisation of transport infrastructure. The result are 14 "Innovation Focus Areas" that can potentially be implemented within relevant European and national research and innovation programmes.